A millenia of Sundays

They don’t tell you about the smell of blood. I lived my whole life and no one ever told me about the smell of blood. It’s coppery. I think I remember someone telling me that once. And it does smell like someone dropped me in a room with a fuck ton of pennies, but blood, it’s also organic so it rots. So it smells like a fuck ton of pennies that have been sitting in hot garbage for a day or so.

I’ve been stuck in this town for millennia. When I say it like that it actually sounds kinda cool. The problem is that it has been millennia of the same days. I laugh when I think of that old saying “a month of Sundays”. More like a millennia of Sundays. It’s so funny. I know. I know. Ground Hog Day, but I tried learning my lessons. I tried being a better man. But it never stopped.

I was benevolent for over two hundred years. The Internet still worked, so I learned everything that I could languages, mathematics, engineering, medicine, all of it. I had time after all and I kept my memories. I made wonderful inventions. Incredible breakthroughs. But the next day they were gone. Like I’d done nothing at all. So, eventually, I stopped.

As we all know, there are other things on the Internet. So, for a few hundred years I fell down that rabbit hole. It’s amazing what people will post on the internet of them doing. After watching these things I found I wanted to give some of them a try. It was scary the first time. I guess I still had morals back then. I felt bad. She screamed a lot. But the next day, what I had done, had been erased. Just like my inventions and breakthroughs. So I did it again. And again. Different people. Even other guys. Always the same though, when I woke up, no one remembered and nothing had changed.

It’s hard to keep track of days when they’re basically all the same and even sex can get boring so I started hunting them. Dismembering them. Eating them. They always came back to life, and they never remembered so it didn’t really feel like I was doing anything wrong. That’s when I got an idea. I would kill everyone in town. There were well over 400 people the town proper and the surrounding area. Finding ways to kill everyone in a twenty-four-hour period would be hard, but it would give me something to do. So that’s what I did. I’m pretty sure it took me about fifteen years of the same day to finally get it right, but I got all of them.

That was yesterday.

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